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    1.8 Billion Euro Investment in Electric Bus Transformation from Paris!

    Paris already has Europe's largest clean public transport fleet with 4,200 buses,. The city will double the number by 2028.

    • 13 February 2024 09:30
    • Last Updated:13 February 2024 12:44
    1.8 Billion Euro Investment in Electric Bus Transformation from Paris!

    Paris currently has Europe’s largest “clean public transportation” fleet with 4,200 buses. The city will double the number of electric buses by 2028.

    💰 It is announced that 3,500 electric buses will be purchased with an investment of €1.8 billion and more than 80% of all buses in the city will be converted to electric and hydrogen fuel cells.

    🟢Paris has previously purchased 800 fully electric buses whose deliveries will be completed in 2024. Also, around 1,000 ‘clean buses’ will be included in the fleet yearly until 2028.