Search results for "pollution"
Brake Pad System in Electric Vehicles!
The brake pad on the right was removed from an electric car with 162,000 kilometers, while the one on the left is new.
Sidewalk Charging Method for Electric Vehicles Becomes Common!
Pavement charging method for electric vehicles is becoming widespread!
Toyota And Exxon Developing A Synthetic Fuel That Can Reduce ICE Emissions By Up To 75%
Toyota and Exxon state that their synthetic gasoline can reduce ICE emissions by 75%, but it will need government assistance to reach customers.
EPA Has Released $5 Billion Electrified School Bus Initiative
Administration has announced a $5 billion rebate program for school districts that purchase electric buses, but nationwide adoption may take some time.
Why Should I Get an Electric Car? | 10 Advantages of Owning an EV
The idea of owning an electric vehicle has become more and more popular with the increasing fuel prices. This article will discuss 10 advantages of owning an electric vehicle....
How Long Does an Electric Car Battery Last? How much does it cost to repair EV batteries?
Electric car batteries last at least 10 years, sometimes even up to 20 years. You shouldn’t worry about wearing your battery any time soon.